India bans 60 Chinese apps, including TikTok

The Indian government officially instituted a Chinese app ban which bans 60 apps. Some of the apps are relatively unknown but a few of them are incredibly popular, including the worldwide phenomenon TikTok.
The Ministry of Electronics & IT says the apps in question are “engaged in activities which is prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order.” You can see the full statement in images below as well as the tweet here.
Unfortunately, although the statement makes it clear which apps are part of this Chinese app ban. It doesn’t make clear how India will enforce this new policy. As far as we can tell, all the apps above are still available on the Google Play Store and will continue to work on people’s phones who already have them downloaded.
Also, some of these apps above are stock apps that come with devices, specifically the Xiaomi-branded apps. It is not possible to remove stock apps like these, even with a Play Store removal. So will the phone itself would get banned ??