Microsoft announces new features to Outlook mobile

Over the past few months, managing time has become even more challenging. While there are benefits to a more flexible schedule, people are now facing changes in how they live, work, collaborate, and take care of themselves and their loved ones. Those changes have resulted in overcrowded calendars with more meetings and the prep and follow-up work that come with them; that, in addition to the blurred lines between personal and work time and space, has been emotionally and physically draining.
Microsoft revealed a bucketload of new features that will be coming to Outlook mobile. Many of these improvements have already been released, while others will be added very soon. It’s also important to mention that most of them focus on two aspects: online meetings and video calls.
A brand new feature called Meeting Insights, which offers Outlook for Android users a first glance at email messages and files that could be relevant for their meetings. All the information is shown in the event details on the calendar, which makes it easier and faster to find what you need.
Microsoft has added another Cortana-related feature called Play My Emails. As the name suggests, the new functionality lets Cortana read out new email messages

Learn more about it here.
Update your meeting hours to let coworkers know when you are available
As meetings continue to take a big part of your days, make sure you update your meeting hours to match your desired availability, this way coworkers have the best information about your availability to meet up. You can set this up in the Calendar Settings in Outlook on the web or in the Calendar Options in Outlook for Windows under “Work hours”.
Get a little break between meetings by making them shorter by default
In a time when your meeting load has skyrocketed and are likely having many back-to-back meeting days, getting a short breather between them could be a good idea. You can set all your meetings to end early in Outlook on the web or Outlook for Windows, get back 5-15mins to stretch or get a coffee.

Set appointments and events to end early as default in Calendar Settings in Outlook for Windows and web.